Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Thank You Equals Cookies

Brittani wanted to say thank you to all of our amazing patients who not only brighten our day but spread good word about us in the community. So she made cookies to hand out to patients all day! Yummy!


Friday, May 16, 2014

Thank you from Kristina our Financial Coordinator

In continuation of our thank you series, Kristina has written up some gardening tips. She's our go-to girl for gardening. We truly appreciate the good word all of our patients spread about us. We're hoping these thank you series posts have something useful for everyone.

Kristina's Gardening Tips

1. Set up your own routine for watering. Put your finger 1" down in soil, if damp skip watering for that day.

2. Use leftover water from boiled vegetables for watering your plants. Pasta water works too! This will give extra nutrients.

3. For thicker growth on your plants, pinch off the tops on each stem. This will force them to grow more fully.

4. For herbs, don't let them flower. Pinch off new buds before they bloom. This will extend your season for the plant.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Thank You from Cassandra our Marketing Director

The first post in our thank you series comes from our marketing director; Cassandra. She wrote a Dr. Seuss style poem to say thank you to the amazing patients she interacts with everyday.

When we think things are bad,
When we feel sour and blue,
When we start to get sad...
We start thinking of you.
We tell ourselves, "Andrews Team"
We're really quite lucky!

With the best patients from all around town,
tall and small, we're all a family.
Our greatest ability: to rebound a frown.
Our greatest joy: Why you!
Quite thankfully.

Many Thanks

We have so many patients who to come to us from referrals from their friends, family, and even neighbors. Word of mouth in our community means so much to us. Every patient matters and we're so honored to be a part of so many of your lives.

We wanted to find a unique way to show you how much we appreciate your good word about us. Many of us in the office have chosen things we can share to give in return. We'll be releasing them over the next couple weeks. We hope you enjoy!